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Parc Lead Mine

Parc Lead Mine was the last working mine in the Gwydyr Forest and its extensive connections to older mines make it an important resource from the point of view of both history and industrial archaeology. Originally the mine could be accessed from the main level 3 haulage portal or the older level 2 portal which is higher up the hill. A recent collapse in the main portal now prevents direct access to level 3 and so entry is via the level 2 portal.

Access to this mine is subject to a management plan. The documents below have been submitted to NRW and provide a risk assessment, parking guidance and a short description of the mine for explorers.

Please note: Parc mine contains significant hazards and visitors should be experienced mine explorers who can quantify the risks.

August 2017: A group recently reported a large rock had fallen in the adit passage along from the level 2 portal. Please be vigilant as more material may come down.

Parc Mine Risk Assessment
Parc Mine Parking & Access
Parc Mine Brief History
Parc Mine Short Explorers Guide

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